St George's, Britwell
At St. George's we really believe in living life in all of its fullness: Listed below are some of the activities we offer. Please contact us if you would like to know more or to be involved.
Children's Church
A dedicated team of teachers and helpers provide good quality activities for all age groups. Children's church is held during the normal Sunday service.
Youth Group
This meets on Saturday afternoons for teenagers. It is good fun and enables young people to explore the Christian faith together. They are supported in this by a dedicated team of volunteers.
Special Events for Children
A number of events are run for children and families throughout the year, from a Pancake Party to a "Light Fair" on Halloween.
They are great fun. Keep in touch to hear what is coming up next.
Cycle Group
We organise local cycle rides, for people of all ages. It is a great opportunity to get outdoors, meet new people and keep active.
Toddler Group
This now meets on a Monday morning from 10.15 to 11.30. It is a great opportunity for pre school age children to meet and play with others of their own age. It also enables parents and carers to meet and talk together.
Food Share
Supper market surplus food is made available free of charge on Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30 - 9.15 am
This helps reduce food waste.
Just turn up to collect.
Coffee Morning
Tuesday 10.00 am - 12.00 noon.
A great place to meet other people and enjoy a chat.